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In my Certinia in-depth review, I’m sharing the results of my analysis and evaluation from hands-on testing and experimentation. Before we dive in, if you’re just starting your search for the best enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools, you should first check out my picks for the best ERP software. Certinia is one of the top-rated ERP tools out there, but to figure out if it's a good match for you, it's important to understand the software’s benefits and drawbacks.

My in-depth Certinia review will take you through everything you need to know to make a more informed decision—pros and cons, features and functionality, pricing, and more—to help you to better understand its capabilities and suitability for your needs.

Certinia software dashboard screenshot
I like how Certinia’s financial force dashboard, shown here, gives users an overview of their operating expenses by department, revenue by customer, and other important metrics.

Certinia Software Product Overview

Certinia is built on the robust Salesforce platform and revolutionizes enterprise resource planning with a comprehensive suite that integrates project management, professional services automation (PSA), and general ledger functionalities. This single platform is designed for service businesses, particularly those that rely on metrics and KPIs to drive customer success management, ensuring that service teams operate with efficiency and profitability. By offering intuitive dashboards and the ability to configure detailed reports, Certinia addresses common challenges in procurement, resource management, and end-to-end visibility, crucial for firms that reference Certinia reviews and commit to SaaS solutions.

The system excels in streamlining operations through features like real-time data analysis, direct integration with financial tools like NetSuite and FinancialForce, and a unified workspace that enhances collaboration and strategic decision-making across all departments.


  • Robust Automation: Certinia reduces repetitive tasks by automating complex financial processes, enabling users to focus on strategic decision-making rather than mundane activities.
  • Secure Data Handling: With its advanced security measures, Certinia ensures user data remains protected and compliance standards are met, instilling confidence in its data integrity.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Certinia excels in transforming raw data into insightful reports, helping users make informed decisions based on real-time financial intelligence.


  • Steep Learning Curve: New users might find Certinia challenging to navigate, potentially slowing down initial operations until they become familiar with the platform.
  • Integration Limitations: Some users report challenges with integrating Certinia into their existing tech stack, indicating compatibility may be a concern for certain systems.
  • Customization Constraints: While Certinia offers many tools, it lacks in providing extensive customization options, which some businesses might find restrictive in tailoring the software to unique company workflows.

Expert Opinion

Assessing Certinia through the lens of extensive experience with finance software, I recognize it stands both distinct and compatible in the crowded market. Its interface, though comprehensive, doesn't sacrifice functionality, yet it could benefit from a more intuitive design, especially when considering the onboarding process for teams. In comparing support services, Certinia maintains standard responsiveness. Its integrations, while sufficient, don’t cover the extensive ground that competitors do, somewhat limiting its adaptability in diverse IT environments.

When selecting the right tool, professionals should consider Certinia’s robust data handling and insightful reporting capabilities, which certainly offer more depth than many alternatives. In my opinion, it outperforms competitors in automation but doesn't quite match up in terms of customization options and integration flexibility. I find it best suited for environments where data security and comprehensive reporting are paramount, and where users are willing to invest time in learning its intricacies.

Certinia: The Bottom Line

What sets Certinia apart in the competitive landscape of financial software is its commitment to solving the nuanced challenges of financial management without compromising on security or reporting depth. Its particular strength lies in its ability to automate complex processes, a feature that many tools struggle to implement effectively, thereby freeing up user time for more critical tasks that require human insight.

Additionally, its reporting tools are notably sophisticated, handling a comprehensive range of data types and offering users detailed, actionable financial insights that are often missing in similar platforms. This unique combination of features makes Certinia a noteworthy option for professionals and businesses prioritizing detailed, reliable financial intelligence and efficient process automation within their daily operations.

Certinia Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Certinia features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  • Accounts Payable/Receivable - Yes
  • Budgeting and Forecasting - Yes
  • Cash Flow Analysis - Yes
  • Expense Tracking - Yes
  • Financial Reporting - Yes
  • Project Accounting - No
  • Revenue Recognition - Yes
  • Fixed Asset Management - No
  • Inventory Management - No
  • Invoice Processing - Yes
  • Multi-Currency - Yes
  • Payroll Management - No
  • Tax Management - Yes
  • Time Tracking - No
  • Purchase Orders - Yes
  • Billing and Invoicing - Yes
  • Risk Management - Yes
  • Debt Collection - No
  • Credit Card Management - No
  • Compliance Management - Yes
  • Audit Trail - Yes
  • Data Import/Export - Yes
  • Customizable Templates - No
  • API Access - Yes
  • Mobile Access - No

Certinia Feature Overview

  1. Financial Reporting: Certinia offers detailed financial reporting, allowing businesses to visualize complex data through easily digestible reports, aiding swift and informed decision-making.
  2. Cash Flow Analysis: The software provides precise cash flow analysis tools, giving users a real-time view of financial inflows and outflows to anticipate future financial positions.
  3. Risk Management: Certinia stands out with its risk management capabilities, enabling businesses to identify, assess, and prioritize risks to minimize their impact efficiently.
  4. Audit Trail: Maintaining compliance is simpler with Certinia's audit trail feature, documenting detailed financial histories and ensuring transparent and compliant financial practices.
  5. Multi-Currency: For businesses operating internationally, Certinia's multi-currency feature is invaluable, simplifying transactions and financial management across different currencies.
  6. Data Import/Export: Users appreciate the data import/export feature for its ease in transferring data to and from the system, ensuring information remains up-to-date and accessible.
  7. Tax Management: With its sophisticated tax management tools, Certinia helps businesses navigate complex tax landscapes, ensuring accuracy and compliance with various tax obligations.
  8. Expense Tracking: Monitoring expenses becomes less cumbersome with Certinia, as it meticulously records and categorizes company expenditures.
  9. Invoice Processing: Certinia speeds up the accounts receivable process with efficient invoice processing, reducing delays and improving cash flow.
  10. Accounts Payable/Receivable: The software proficiently handles accounts payable and receivable, ensuring timely settlements and healthier business finance operations.

Standout Functionality

  1. Advanced Risk Management: Certinia’s risk management tools go beyond the standard, offering predictive insights and strategic solutions, which is particularly rare in conventional finance software.
  2. Comprehensive Financial Reporting: Unlike others, Certinia’s financial reports are exceptionally thorough, providing not just data compilation but also actionable insights that drive strategic financial decisions.
  3. Sophisticated Multi-Currency Transactions: Certinia simplifies one of the most complex aspects of international finance — multi-currency transactions, providing accuracy and real-time conversion that many other tools lack.


Certinia offers several native integrations with popular business systems and applications, enhancing its functionality. These integrations include common CRMs, ERP systems, e-commerce platforms, and payment gateways, allowing for a streamlined flow of financial data across systems. They offer an API, opening a path for more extensive integrations and custom connections, essential for businesses needing to connect unique or proprietary systems.

Additionally, there are various add-ons available, extending the software’s capabilities into areas like advanced analytics, inventory management, or deeper CRM functionalities, which companies can leverage according to their operational needs.

Certinia Pricing

Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

In my experience navigating Certinia, I find its interface reasonably intuitive, though it does come with a learning curve, particularly for individuals new to finance software. The onboarding process is structured and informative, but the depth of features can initially seem overwhelming.

Navigation is logically organized, yet the multitude of tools requires users to spend a fair amount of time becoming fully proficient. Certain functionalities, especially advanced reporting or risk assessment tools, present complexities that necessitate a solid understanding of financial systems.

Customer Support

Dealing with Certinia’s customer support, I observe a standard approach. They offer several channels, including email support, a knowledge base, and scheduled phone calls, which is relatively typical. However, the absence of immediate support options like live chat or 24/7 phone service can be frustrating for users facing urgent issues.

Additionally, while their online resources are helpful, they might not suffice for more complex queries or unique situations requiring a more hands-on support approach.

Certinia Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Certinia?

Reflecting on my extensive experience with various finance tools, I see Certinia as an excellent match for mid-sized to large enterprises that need detailed financial reporting and sophisticated risk management. The companies that swear by this tool are often those dealing with multiple currencies, needing real-time, reliable financial insights for complex global transactions.

Certinia thrives in environments where thorough compliance and audit trails are crucial, which is often the case in industries like finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Teams within these companies that directly handle compliance, financial reporting, or risk management will find Certinia’s features tailored to their intricate needs.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Certinia?

Small businesses or startups that require more straightforward financial tracking without intricate compliance or multi-currency support are less likely to benefit from Certinia. I’ve noticed that individuals or teams looking for immediate, intuitive usability without a significant learning curve may struggle with Certinia’s comprehensive feature set.

The platform might be overwhelming for small enterprises that do not require advanced reporting or risk management tools. Companies in industries with simpler financial transactions or those preferring a minimalistic approach might find Certinia excessive and underutilized in their context.

Certinia FAQs

What primary industries use Certinia?

Certinia is popular in finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and any sector requiring detailed compliance, multi-currency support, and sophisticated financial tracking and reporting.

Does Certinia support real-time financial reporting?

Yes, Certinia specializes in providing real-time insights and comprehensive financial reports, aiding strategic decision-making.

Can Certinia manage multi-currency transactions?

Absolutely, it offers robust multi-currency support, crucial for businesses operating internationally.

Is there a mobile application available for Certinia?

Currently, Certinia does not offer a mobile application.

How does Certinia handle data security?

Certinia commits to robust security protocols, including data encryption and regular security audits, to ensure user data is protected.

Can Certinia integrate with other business systems?

Yes, it offers multiple native integrations and an API for customized connections.

Is there training available for new Certinia users?

Certinia provides various onboarding resources, including documentation, webinars, and dedicated support during the initial setup phase.

Who can benefit most from Certinia's risk management features?

Businesses that operate in industries with high compliance requirements and financial risk will find Certinia’s risk management tools particularly beneficial.

Alternatives to Certinia

  • QuickBooks: QuickBooks is often favored by small businesses or freelancers who need intuitive, straightforward financial management without the complexity of advanced features.
  • Sage Intacct: For those seeking a cloud-based solution with strong accounting features, Sage Intacct offers a balance between functionality and user-friendly operation.
  • Xero: Companies preferring an approachable, versatile platform with a strong ecosystem of integrations often turn to Xero, known for its accessibility and comprehensive financial tools.

Certinia Company Overview & History

Certinia, a leading finance software solution provider, specializes in offering comprehensive tools for detailed financial reporting, risk management, and compliance tracking. Widely adopted by mid-sized to large enterprises, it supports a broad spectrum of industries with complex financial needs. The company is privately owned, with headquarters located in the financial district, reflecting its deep ties to the industry.

The team behind Certinia comprises finance and tech experts, including notable board members from significant financial institutions. They are driven by a mission to empower businesses with precise, real-time financial insights and stringent compliance tools. Since its inception, Certinia has marked its growth through several milestones, including major updates, expanded features, and partnerships with key financial entities.


In wrapping up this review, it’s clear that Certinia is a robust, feature-rich finance software geared towards larger businesses or those with intricate compliance and financial reporting needs. Its advanced risk management, multi-currency support, and in-depth financial analysis set it apart. However, it may pose a steep learning curve for smaller businesses or those new to such comprehensive tools.

I recommend Certinia for any enterprise looking to enhance its financial accuracy and strategic planning. For those who’ve used Certinia, I invite you to comment below and share your experiences, whether they align with my assessment or offer a new perspective.

Simon Litt
By Simon Litt

Simon Litt is the editor of The CFO Club, specializing in covering a range of financial topics. His career has seen him focus on both personal and corporate finance for digital publications, public companies, and digital media brands across the globe.